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Howell - covax adverse effects emails (covax = corona virus vaccine)

This webPage provides a [sample, scatter]ed listing of my email exchanges related to corona virus vaccine [benefits, adverse effects]. It's too much work to keep this up, but perhaps every year or so it might be handy to pick out a few emails to add.

Emails - reverse chronological order

Simply copy subject (without date), browser search (find) to get to email.

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Subject: Fentanyl versus covid versus covax, and the infamous downtown eastside of Vancouver
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2022 19:51:19 -0700
From: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>
To: Sarah Howell. Director-Actor-Freelance E-Journalist. Dream Bravely. Panama Columbia Peru Signapore NZ Vancouver <>
CC: Neil and Irene Howell. Calgary <>, Stephen Howell. Gas storage consultant. SEBIL Consulting Services Ltd. Calgary <>

Sarah - that's twice you've pulled a rabbit from your magic covirus (= covid-19) hat, after you told me about your medical doctor friend in Boston who refused to take the vaccine! (She was probably forced to later?)

I appreciate very much your detective work, because it addresses the "missing suicides" caper - that a huge increase in unemployment and disruption of lives because of the covirus was NOT reflected in expected increased suicide stats for 2020 (I don't know if that has changed). Of course, massive government debt and financial market stimulation would have helped, but it still doesn't make sense.

But there is a very important twist, a new suspect. [Mental, neurological] adverse effects are a component of the covax (= covirus vaccine, in particulate mRNA types), albeit a "minor" one. Even worse? - potential interactions between powerful drugs and the EVOLUTION of covirus, including the possibility of strains that exploit physiological [change, damage] (potentially permanent, multi-generational). That very issue is much emphasized by Jessica Rose, the Canadian female researcher who I think has the current best whole-population basis for assessing covax adverse effects, although her Oct2021 presentation doesn't consider covax-medication-drug interactions. It's a Brave New World beyond Aldous Huxely? It's hilarious.

Anyways, I'm too spent on side mini-projects since Christmas, and I will have to try to remember your point [if, when] I get back to co[virus, vax] later this year. For now, I've compiled a few key [image, link, comment]s in my updated covax webPage "Howell - covax adverse effects".

You can skip my rambling writing - just look at the pictures. Also ignore the coding at the[ top, bottom] of the webPage - that is for [menu, copyright, etc] junk that I can't put in until I revamp all of my Qnial programs (give me a year or so).

I am surprised at the current policies, even though death rates are rising to 2/3 of their high level, no lock-downs, house arrests, etc. Maybe that makes sense, as there is not much political coinage to make on being as puritain as for the first two years? Furthermore, now is the time for massive ass-covering before things blow up out of control, which should not be a problem, given the CO2 precendent and just about all other high-profile science issues. I even have a comment section about that on my covax page - a list of what I would do to cover my ass under the circumstances.

I am waiting with baited breath on female reproductive adverse effects, most importantly five years from now, and for possible [,epi]-genetic changes in new generations. Jessica Rose just mentions this, but is starting to look more closely, and others have been at it for a while. No worries : we can just apply test-tube conception with pre-covax DNA.... assuming that ontological processes aren't disrupted as well. Good luck, as there are already reports of IQ drops of 22 etc in current births of the vaccinated.

Steve - let me know if you DON'T want your name to appear on my covax webPage. You too, Sarah. (email addresses do NOT appear, in theory).


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Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2022 14:01:10 -0800
Subject: Re: Kiwi guinea pigs!!! Now why did't I think of that?
Cc: Stephen Howell. Gas storage consultant. SEBIL Consulting Services Ltd. Calgary <>
To: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>
From: Sarah Howell <>
thanks for sharing - the video with Dr Chris Martinsen talks about 'all-cause mortality' and he mentions fentanyl overdoses...

Interestingly, I was just interviewing the Vancouver Police Department Sergeant Anil Singh whose area of patrol is the infamous downtown eastside of Vancouver (where all the drug programs/abuse/homeless live downtown). He said that since 2016, the fentanyl drug problem has been an acute problem for the city, but that since COVID19, it's simply gotten out of hand and they are no longer capable of dealing with all the overdoses. In his eyes, the opiate crisis is a more prominent issue than the pandemic, and yet it has taken a backseat in terms of both focus and also been exacerbated due to COVID19.

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Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2022 18:27:53 -0700
Subject: Re: If I was Fauci - how might I cover my ass? Fun list to watch for
To: Stephen Howell. Gas storage consultant. SEBIL Consulting Services Ltd. Calgary <>
From: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>
You are right - I didn't cover that properly with "more strongly [censor, repress] "covax deniers"" as it's more oriented to silencng them, so I need a "bash to covax deniers" section.They have long been doing this, but it has worked beautifully for CO2 bbuit.


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Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2022 18:09:01 -0700
Subject: Re: If I was Fauci - how might I cover my ass? Fun list to watch for
To: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>
From: Stephen Howell <>
of coarse if all cause deaths go way up Fauci and the left will automatically claim deaths are because the unvaxed loaded the hospital system delaying treatments, and delays causing all those excess deaths.

On Fri., Jan. 14, 2022, 1:50 p.m. Stephen Howell, <> wrote:
how about war with Russia or some great distraction like. that and opportunity to declare Marshall law.

On Fri., Jan. 14, 2022, 11:57 a.m. Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada, <> wrote:
Forgot to send this earlier. I would be interested in items that you have to [add, remove, edit]. I have yet to put in timelines on this. Of course, it's NOT just Fauci - it's the entire [science, health, media, policy] communities!
[ 23Jan2022 : The list has been moved to the main covax webPage, where it can more easily be [view, maintain, updat]ed : Howell comments : Covax 'how might I cover my ass?', initial draft list of [random, scattered] ideas


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Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2022 20:17:14 -0700
Subject: RE: Jessica Rose -
To: Stephen Howell. Gas storage consultant. SEBIL Consulting Services Ltd. Calgary <>
From: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>

I forgot two key points in my last email, and my guess is that Jennifer Rose isn't even aware about them :
[23Jan2022 : The list has been moved to the main covax webPage, where it can more easily be [view, maintain, updat]ed : Howell comments : Jessica Rose's analysis of VAERS Data, increase in Deaths Following covax Shots

As I've said, straight out of scifi [article, book, film]s... fun!


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Subject: Jessica Rose - thanks!! Covax - I'm wrong all over the place
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2022 16:01:30 -0700
From: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>
To: Stephen Howell. Gas storage consultant. SEBIL Consulting Services Ltd. Calgary <>

Thanks, Steve!! Much appreciated. Fantastic video.

Is a "right wing" alternative to YouTube! If so, I'm for it! I just have to remember it, and don't post to [Google, YouTube, Facebook, etc] (which I don't do anyways)
IDIOTS!! can't copy-paste from their webPages? Makes them useless for serious work (have to retype everything), although it's perfect for bimbos on cellphones.
I guess I'll have to expand my "webPage source scraping" program to extract the juice [better, faster]. I need it more and more anyways...

Columbia study - reset my "mental factor" for VAERS under-reporting to a factor of 50
(close enough to [40, 44, etc] and easier to head-calculate)

Revisting a PSI Intl post on the Columbia study, I can see many mistakes I've made by not going into detailed reading (which I don't really want to do as I stuggle with other work).

I was aware very early on (Mar-May2021) that VAERS under-reports by 10 to 100 times, but had conservatively assumed a factor of ten (sucker, right?), ignoring my constant assumption of [censorship, orders to not report, lies, stupidity]. Even a factor of ten meant covax has deaths are a serious, albeit small fraction of virus deaths, but 40 now seems be credible to me based on all the completefferet [source, result]s, and aligns even with Pfizers own initial safety results (covax kills more people). Again, none of this includes morbidity, eg [handicaps, condition, s, quality of life, work productivity, etc, etc].

Strange thing with my CDC VAERS covax extractions :
11Dec2021 I requested "serious cases", and got 2,167 in total
others are showing tens of thousand of VAERS covax deaths
If death isn't serious, what is? Has the system been fudged to mislead newbies? Did I screw up again?
I love CD's databases and systems. They've always been fantastic for me. But in this case, is something else intervening (like a Fauci virus for covax data)? Am I becoming schizo-paranoid, or is stupiding a satisfactory explanation?
I screwed up when I attempted ALL covid VAERS reports (can only do 10,000 at a time, and I didn't watch the filters). Took a day's work, half a day to screw up, half for swearing.

You were right in a limited way, Kirsch is in "research" - but not as a [government, university] professional, and not like Harvard or Columbia. He has a business entrepreneur background in Silicon Valley. :
Steve Kirsch, the executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF)
The Vaccine Safety Research Foundation is more of a collaborative literature review effort to inform the public about covax, but it does include Robert, Mallone, Peter McCullough, and other credible people. That will not be enough to be taken seriously by [media, government, universities] with their socialist beliefs, and when they'll see red with [Mallone, Bernstein] especially. Even if the VSRF guys are far smarter than essentially all of the [media, government, universities] with their socialists (@ <1:10k level).
Today, our best estimate of vaccine fatalities using the VAERS data is that the US Government is responsible for killing 388,000 formerly healthy Americans. For no reason or societal benefit. Under the guise of saving them.
By contrast, the Vietnam War was a long, deadly struggle that took place from 1954 to 1975 between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. The U.S. National Archives shows that 58,220 U.S. soldiers perished over the 21 years. Here, we’ve killed more than 6 times as many people in a fraction of the time… just 11 months.
>> Howell - great comment, funny!!!
This is an engineering analysis, not a strict scientific analysis. - What I mean by this is that our objective is to use all the available data and our own expert judgement in interpreting that data in a reasonable way in an attempt to get an accurate
Cool part - several Canadians feature in the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF). Add in the female researcher, CanadianCovidSafetyAlliance, Beattie at UofA - I'm not used to Canadian scientists standing out or being brave!!


[23Jan2022 : The list has been moved to the main covax webPage, where it can more easily be [view, maintain, updat]ed : Howell comments : Jessica Rose's analysis of VAERS Data, increase in Deaths Following covax Shots

[23Jan2022 : The list has been moved to the main covax webPage, where it can more easily be [view, maintain, updat]ed : Howell comments : Pardekooper's videos are handy to get started with database usage<

#] 30Dec2021 via PSI Intl - Columbia study, True U.S. COVID vaxx death count around 400,000

The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, or VAERS, reports 19,886 deaths, 102,857 hospitalizations and a total of 946,461 adverse events due to COVID-19 vaccines through Dec. 3.

If the Columbia study’s underreporting factor is correct, it would mean that there are nearly 400,000 deaths due to COVID-19 vaccines.


The CDC’s latest count of deaths attributed to COVID-19 vaccines is nearly 20,000, but a study by researchers at Columbia University estimates the actual number is 20 times higher.
The Columbia researchers method of estimating underreporting was to use the regional variation in vaccination rates to predict all-cause mortality and non-COVID deaths in subsequent time periods, based on two independent, publicly available datasets from the U.S. and Europe.

They found that more than six weeks after injection, vaccination had a negative correlation with mortality. But within five weeks of injection, vaccination predicted all-cause mortality in nearly every age group, with an “age-related temporal pattern consistent with the U.S. vaccine rollout.”

Comparing the study’s estimated vaccine fatality rate with the CDC-reported rate, the researchers concluded VAERS deaths are underreported by a factor of 20, which is “consistent with known VAERS under-ascertainment bias.”

The researchers said the study “suggests the risks of COVID vaccines and boosters outweigh the benefits in children, young adults and older adults with low occupational risk or previous coronavirus exposure.”

A decade before COVID-19, the so-called Lazarus study by Harvard researchers estimated VAERS accounted for only one percent of vaccine-induced injuries.

Recently, Steve Kirsch, the executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, and others conducted an analysis comparing anaphylaxis rates published in a study to rates found in VAERS. They concluded the true death toll from COVID-19 vaccines is 41 times higher.

The website VAERS Analysis used whistleblower data from the CMS, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, to come up with an estimated underreporting factor of 44.64

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Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2022 16:27:59 -0700
Subject: Yet another end of the world - This time, we really are going to die!!
To: Peniscillin <>
From: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>
I'll bet you never saw this coming... just like the titles of several James Bond movies.

Terrifying, Chilling Terror, no Popcorn!! Zombies are people too!!
The covax (= covid-19 vaccine) plays out in [theatres, workplacehomes, businesses] near you starting Dec2021 and for the next 150 years.

Rather than verbiage, I'll dish up some recent email to family, and an ex-Ottawa hasher Vivian. The email below is probably one of three or for exchanged in 20 years with her, but I knew she worked on assessing health research claims and gaps.

I don't know if Vivian still hashes, but if you see her again, tell her that you're the one getting the lions share of the crap from me, so she should thank you for shielding her and the other hashers!

Bill Howell
Member of Hussar Lion's Club & Sundowners, (retired from volunteer FireFighters Jan2021)
P.O. Box 299, Hussar, Alberta, T0J1S0

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Subject: Covid analysis - Canadians rock!!
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2022 12:59:08 -0700
From: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>
To: Vivian. Editor in Chief <>
Vivian - you can safely ignore this cheer-leading email, but I'm impressed by important "renegade" research by Canadians. I am strongly pro-vaccine, even if I may have taken a hit (that's NOT a sure thing, but it's highly suspicious). Decisions are made, and in this area we live and die by them, even if I'm not always impressed by the [science politics, health policies].

Just three examples :
Mar-May2021 female Canadian medical researcher : best analysis I've seen of possible vaccine deaths (trend of deaths post-vaccination. I didn't record her conference presentation which disappeared from the !?, don't remember her [name, affiliation], but she may have been from Winnipeg.
A paper my brother just found (he's been following covax (= covid-19 vaccines) closely for >1 year) : Kyle Beattie 30Oct2021 "Worldwide Bayesian Causal Impact Analysis of Vaccine Administration on Deaths and Cases Associated with COVID-19"
reported by
Actually, I am quite interested in the causality approach, and how that related to (very problematic) neural network I've gone through (some fantastic competitions run by Isabelle Guyon from Europe, now in California)
see my lunatic email to daughters below. As you can see, I am MOST impressed that the author quoted one of my favourite historians from late 1300 AD
I certainly don't know what's [right, wrong, true, false], but I do like to see [solid, creative, alternative] thinking. By self-imposed "multiple conflicting hypothesis" I always retain [past, present] mainstream theories, seeking alternatives to avoid becoming a "tool of a theory" rather than the inverse.

I'm used to the neural network area, in which Canada is tiny : I get very few Canadian papers to peer review, advanced computing is DOMINATED by China (50-75% of papers in the two journals that I receive monthly)

I won't bother you with this again. Cheers,

Bill Howell
Member of Hussar Lion's Club & Sundowners, (retired from volunteer FireFighters Jan2021)
P.O. Box 299, Hussar, Alberta, T0J1S0

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Subject: Uncle Steve's ahead of the curve
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2022 12:29:15 -0700
From: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>
To: Sarah Howell. Director-Actor-Freelance E-Journalist. Dream Bravely. Panama Columbia Peru Signapore NZ Vancouver <>, Catherine Howell. Founder. EightLoop Social & Yeity website. Auckland. New Zealand <>
CC: Stephen Howell. Gas storage consultant. SEBIL Consulting Services Ltd. Calgary <>

Catherine, Sarah - He might be crazy, but it looks like your uncle Steve is way ahead of the curve, vindicated in a recent study (see below).


[23Jan2022 : The list has been moved to the main covax webPage, where it can more easily be [view, maintain, updat]ed : Howell comments : Kyle Beattie's Bayesian analysis of covax - ~30% increases in [case, death]s

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Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2022 20:48:33 -0700
Subject: Steve Kirsch - vax negative impacts on covid deaths, OurWorldInData excess deaths
To: Stephen Howell. Gas storage consultant. SEBIL Consulting Services Ltd. Calgary <>
From: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>
Steve Kirsch's post
is a real gem, including pdf and multiple similar results in [US,
UK] with links. I can't look at this in detail for another few
" ... The study found that
the COVID vaccines cause more COVID cases per million (+38% in US)
and more deaths per million associated with COVID (+31% in US), compared to unvaccinated people.
..." Kirsch wasn't clear in iis statement, so I've guessed. That
missing part of the conditional is CRITICAL. Sloppy reporting ...

What's missing :
?now I forgot what I was going to say for the first point (typical)
out of the scope of the studies : non-covid covax negative health impacts (as per CanadianCovidCareAlliance)
killing the dead - over the next two years it might become apparent from the data what we already knew - for the most part, the virus is "killing dead people". If there is no "negative excess" between covid case peaks, then that will indicate possible "fudging" of the data.
killing the living - no doubt covax deaths will be claimed as being due to the virus. But it will be interesting to see if longer-term data are simply too strong to ignore for thinkers (which exludes [government, academic] scientists).
1918 Spanish Flu - will this be revisited as per warning from thinkers of the era regarding vaccinations, and Peter Doshi's ?2008? analysis?

OurWorldInData excess

Sheesh, Steve. I thought
YOU were going to overlay graphs!
Just any decent image editor with [image layers, color
to transparent] capabilities...
gimp (GNU image processor is fantastic, free, but a real bitch to learn (totally non-obvious for most features, you just have to trial-by-fire and experiment). I recommend it for image processing. I think it's available on Windows, and I highly recommend the slow painful learning to get to a great endpoint with powerful options.
gnuplot for plots - there are much more powerful free proglike R (stats package) any others, but gnuplot's easy scripting once you've set up. I will never go back to spreadsheet graphs except legacy stuff and where I have to.
Note once again that
OurWorldInData data is downloadable for further quantitative
I can send the gimp image
files (.xcf) to yyou if you do decide to play arround with the
images that I sent. It would help if I was with you to"get over
the learning hump". It was pretty quick to add the excess death

In the two images I've sent, the timelines were eyeballed to a common scale, sort of. The excess deaths are offset somewhat from the covid deaths, but that may persist due to reporting differnces. In any case the results are reconfirming. Plus it is nice to see that the virus ia significant excess death (even if we can't subtract misleading reporting for now).

I don't feel that the data as shown can be used to tease outvax
effects from the virus, even if they are "somewhat suggestive"
(look at covid case peaks vs excess deaths between periods of high
covid cases). A proper, normally-required followup and careful
collection of new data is desperately needed, but I don't think
the socialists will allow it. Only very rare [profressionals,
amateurs] can be trusted, and the rare professionals will either
be silenced or fired, and their work will be deleted?

I'm not a fan of "torturing the data", with statistics or
over-analysis. This is a primary basis for "conclusions driven
research lies".


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Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2022 11:34:55 -0700
To: Bill Howell <>
From: Stephen Howell <>

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Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2022 14:31:33-0700
Subject: plug in any country youwant. Excess mortality: Deaths from all causes compared toprojection based on previous years
To: Bill Howell <>
From: Stephen Howell <>

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Subject: Re: Covid-19 adverse effects : any news of progress?
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2022 14:17:09 -0700
From: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>
To: Vivian <>
Thanks, Vivian. I am not so much focusing on my own experiences, but more on the overall [virus, vaccine] effects, which I have periodically reviewed (May2020, May2021) for my own interest. I focus almost uniquely on US data sources, but I really appreciate the "Reported side effects following COVID-19 vaccination in Canada" link.

A funny part is when I went through loops to download the entire US covid VAERS reports (the number per query is limited), I made database query mistakes and will have to wait for the next time I review things (probably May) to do it again. At least I have ~2,245 USA "serious" VAERS reports - but that's FAR less proportionally than the 6,829 serious cases mentioned on the Canadian report. Perhaps there is better reporting on the Canadian side... but Canada is not where the battles are.

All the best,

Bill Howell
Member of Hussar Lion's Club & Sundowners, (retired from volunteer FireFighters Jan2021)
P.O. Box 299, Hussar, Alberta, T0J1S0

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Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2022 14:11:40 -0700
Subject: Covax versus excess deaths
To: Stephen Howell. Gas storage consultant. SEBIL Consulting Services Ltd. Calgary <>
From: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>
"... not sure I can draw any conclusions from yours ..." - you are right. It isn't stating anything much, but I think you do need to show a relationship (perhaps time-lagged matching ups and downs) to be convincing. You may be working too hard - I often find myself trying regression and other analysis, but frankly, it's no match for looking at the data. [models, regression, stats] are most useful for simple known systems, all variables known and measured, highly reproducable tests, etc. One is often farting into the wind usually with complex systems like financial markets etc, until what you see in the data can lead to something, but even then...

Here are overlay [case, death, vaccine]s for the UK and South Africa, which provides a "covid view" to complement your excess death analysis. Note that in BOTH cases, the [case, death]s were well into decline PRIOR to significant vaccinations, and it can CERTAINLY be said that the vaccines were of no apparent help with omicron, which completely contradicts [social, mainstream] media. They might NOT have helped with earlier covid strains either, that hypothesis is certainly reasonable. It does, however, totally agree with decades of experience with influenza - if they don't guess the right strains, vaccines are pretty useless, and as seasonal flus indicate, they are no panacea even with the right vaccines. mRNA might be different? Furthermore, as per my covid webPage, Peter Doshi long commented that "vaccines could not have been the reason for huge influenza declines post-1940, as they weren't employed broadly until much later" (or something like that). pandemics, health/corona virus/Howell - corona virus.html

Note that there seems to "sometimes" be a significant lag between cases and deaths (as has been reported), and recent upticks cannot be judged one way or another.

Because omicron first seemed to progress in South Africa, I thought it helpful to check recent deaths. These are rising, but the timing isn't "right" to be sure that there won't be a huge wave of deaths, although doctor reports in the media indicate that MIGHT not occur. Can you trust anything now? If deaths explode, for sure they will blame non-vaccinated, but at this point they would be on very thin ice. No matter, conclusions-driven research and science religions don't have to comply with the data, there is always a way to rationalize religious beliefs.

Northern hemispere covid tends to have a different seasonality than Southern hemisphere countries (eg Latin America, Africa, I don't remember Australia).

None of this addresses vaccine harm, and as we've seen by [courageous, thinking] cart [scientists, amateurs], it may well be that mRNA vaccine harm far outstrips benefits, and that we w't be able to see that because of systematic [mis-reporting, censorship, oppression].

Keep up your "excess death" and other work. We certainly can't hope for anything [government, academic] cart [scientist, health care, policy] types, until the flag flapping in the wind changes for some reason, but not likely until careers and institutional funding change. We must wait for the old dogs to die, and new politically-correct waves to come crashing through for the next fiasco.


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Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2022 11:27:52 -0700
Subject: Re: 220107 Steve - UK excess deaths, OurWorldInData - USA vaccination
To: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>
From: Stephen Howell <>
I wonder about the UK data. I plotted the net number against death by covid and curves look similar, almost too similar.
I was thinking an I dependent variable could be driving both, most likely data fixing?
not sure I can draw any conclusions from yours

On Fri., Jan. 7, 2022, 11:36 p.m. Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada, <> wrote:
Here's a rough overlay quickly done, timelines aren't adjusted properly. As you didn't specify, I assumed USA excess death trends in your graph, but you can do the same for UK if that is wrong. I think it would be better to expand your graph to the entire vaccination period, showing the intercept?
You can download the actual data from the webPage...

Some kind of correlation between vaccinations and deaths is needed, taking into account time lags to make a convincing argument. Unfortunately we don't have the great results of the female Canadian researcher's presentation...


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Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2022 19:32:19 -0700
Subject: Total deaths all causes less historical 5 year average of total deaths less deaths by covid
To: Bill Howell <>
From: Stephen Howell <>

Bill here's the plot I spoke of. Total deaths all causes less historical 5 year average of total deaths less deaths by covid.

It's plotted across the last 6 months in 2021. The trend line is zero in first week of January 2021 amonth after first person in UK injected with a vaccine (jdecember 8, 2020)

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Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2022 11:12:59 -0700
Subject: Robert Malone covax interview
Cc: Neil and Irene Howell. Calgary <>, Stephen Howell. Gas storage consultant. SEBIL Consulting Services Ltd. Calgary <>, Sarah Howell. Director-Actor-Freelance E-Journalist. Dream Bravely. Panama Columbia Peru Signapore NZ Vancouver <>
To: Catherine Howell. Founder. EightLoop Social & Yeity website. Auckland. New Zealand <>
From: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>

Catherine - Thanks! Deja vu all over again - Steve hammered me with this interview just last Sat 01Jan2022, and a ton of other stuff over the last 7 months. Steve has been following the covax [fuckup, lie, stupidity]s of essentially all [government, academic, health care, policy, media, political, business] experts for a long time, even though I did take a quick look last ?May-Jun?.

Females and covax : (covax= covid-19 vaccines, in particular the mRNA-based vaccines)
Vaccine (low-level, just as with covid) Impacts on female reproductive systems - a whole range!! Surprisingly, I have run into a few women in the Hussar are who are aware of that, albeit basically ignorant of the rest of the [virus, vax] issues. Unsurprisingly, almost all women that I've mentioned this to don't [know, care] and are NOT interested in listening, as they know the truth from the media (just like the guys).
[Female, Canadian] researcher - did the BEST meta-analysis that I've seen by far for quantifying vaccine effects on the population level. Steve provided the link, but her conference presentation disappeared off the internet (most likely censorship by socialists), and I stupidly did not record her name or the video!
Multi-generational reproductive impacts will be simply unknown for another 3-10 generations, but there are known mult-generational potential problems from [worm, etc] studies. In other words, we've just done a sci-fi experiment on the whole world's population, driven, run] by [really, really] stupid scientitsts.
Links to my own self-VAERS webPage, and Pandemic webPages are listed below my signature block. Here are just a few [random, scattered] links from my self-VAERS webPage (I haven't yet researched and compiled more completely) : - Awesome job!,%20heard%20and%20believed%20after%20adverse%20vaccine%20reactions While Sacha tends to be bit strident ("the world is going to end.."), his previous books on history, human behaviour, etc are far beyound anything that essentially any [[government, academic] scientist can do, partly because the latter are constrained more strict requirements of [political correctness, proof], but mostly because they are [cognitively, creatively] incapable of matching him.
Hopefully Steve will also produce a list of commented links, too.

Joe Rogan : and [Sarah, Mike, Steve], Ben Davidson, old university friend - Another hilarious quirk of timing (I can see it now - you've just fired up by Robert Anton Wilson's books), was a conversation in the car with [Sarah, Mike, Steve] coming back from cross-country skiing at Bragg Creek, 26-28Jan2022 (I can't remember the exact day). Sarah and Mike played an audio interview about a USAF pilot's encounter with UFOs, in one pilot's case almost daily for a year or so. This was weird, as :
Ben Davidson ( - Trys to self-invite himself as the "King of Catastrophe" to Joe Rogan's program. I didn't hear that this attempt has actually worked, yet. Rogan may be afraid of Davidson? "King of Catastrophe" sounds like hy, bt in this case is accurate in so many dimensions.
Dear Joe Rogan : 158,359 views Dec 6, 2021,
Pat Fitzpatrick, UofC engineering student at same time as me : Pat's mid-December reply to an email I sent 05Aug2021, was literally "out of the blue" (pun intended in several dimensions) :


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Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2021 18:49:43 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: Pilots and atmospheric phenomena
To: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>
From: Pat Fitzpatrick <>
Hey Bill,
This might be a personal record for me for slowest email response. However, I wanted to send you a link which elaborates on the F-18/UFO encounters of the past (almost) 20 years.
The Truth Behind the Super Hornet UFO Encounters
Sorry I don't have much to add regarding your studies of natural phenomena except to say its interesting stuff.
Hope you have a great holiday!
Hussar mention of Joe Rogan for something else - I forget the context, but it was totally strange. By the way, before Ben Davidson's weird (to me) mid-Dec posting, I had never heard of Joe Rogan (apparently I live in a cave)

Bill Howell
Member of Hussar Lion's Club & Sundowners, (retired from volunteer FireFighters Jan2021)
P.O. Box 299, Hussar, Alberta, T0J1S0

06Jan2022 Catherine's text :
Hey dad I think you would really appreciate this interview with Dr Robert Malone - backs up a lot of what you are saying

As per usual, I VASTLY prefer email to work with. Texting's [fast, cute, simple], but a complete pain in the ass to use. For example - just reproducing the URL of the interview (below) is [slow, error-full], and it's all downhill from there. You guys could simply copy-past to webmail on a browser, but for [cost, security] I have cut off all data on my cellphone. I have 2 full-time Internet Service Providers (ISPs), both far cheaper than cellphone internet (actually, one ISP is actually a celldata connect - no phone, same [tech, network]). Finally - it's my eyes. Things go better on a large screen.

Bill Howell's not-so-sure self-VAERS : pandemics, health/corona virus/Moderna vaccine - Howells personal health problems.html

Other Pandemic webPages : pandemics, health/_Pandemics, health, and the sun.html pandemics, health/influenza/Howell - influenza virus.html pandemics, health/corona virus/Howell - corona virus.html pandemics, health/suicide/

# endemail

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2022 10:08:32-0500
Subject: Re: Covid-19 adverse effects : any news of progress?
To: <>
From: Vivian <>
Hi Bill
Nice to hear from you-sorry to hear about your cognitive and physical function issues
I am not involved in any COVID-19 studies or adverse effects reporting or analysis.
There is an adverse events reporting system in Canada for drugs and vaccines ( and I found a weekly report for covid vaccines:

I also found this Ontario report:
I scanned the highlights and did not see anything like what you are experiencing, but there might be some in the detailed data and reports
Hope that is helpful,

On Tue, Jan 4, 2022 at 4:51 PM <> wrote:
Attention : courriel externe | external email
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, belatedly, from an old hasher. (I don't H3 out here in Alberta as I live way out in a country village on the prairies), just trying to get back into regular exercise).

Have you had anything to do with issue related to follow-up studies on Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting? This is really looking like another fear-driven "CO2 as the primary driver of climate since 1850" mess by [government, academic] scientists, but of course there just isn't much good data out there , and once again there seems to be heavy [censorship, repression] of what there is and attempts to augment it.

Maybe I'm a bit sensitive to this. I'm still trying to sort out my own immediate post-vaccination personal health challenges that just aren't going away after 4-5 months. I've nothing serious, it's mostly [mental, cognitive] sudden declines of a mild sort that's hard to put a finger on (plus some very noticeable weird specific things), and more than normal trouble firing up for exercise periods. The most serious is a scary decline in computer programming [volume, coherence] and skyrocketing [error, bad forward planning], as ALL my projects require computer programming. Maybe I'm going crazier with age, but the timing coincidence of many issues is just a bit too fantastic to ignore.

I trust that all is going well for you, in spite of the surrealistic teaching environment of the covid era.


Bill Howell (Captain Hook)
Member of Hussar Lion's Club & Sundowners, (retired from volunteer FireFighters Jan2021)
P.O. Box 299, Hussar, Alberta, T0J1S0


-------- Forwarded Message --------

Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2021 16:55:06 -0700
Subject: Re: Covid vaccine Adverse Effects
To: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>
From: Stephen Howell <>
the CDC changed reporting on the adverse events on breakthrough to make problem go away. they did not change reporting methods on the unvaxed.

On Wed., Dec. 8, 2021, 4:51 p.m. Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada, <> wrote:
I took a quick look at the covid vaccine adverse effects last night. It's a bit suspicious that I came up with the same guesstimates as back in April-May when I first looked at this, when adverse effects reports were growing exponentially (eg in March-April I think?).

Based on the numbers from official sources it appears that vaccine adverse deaths would be less than 1-5% of the covid virus-caused deaths (see below my signature block). It is stated clearly (including by the US Center For Disease Control (CDC) if I remember correctly), that reported adverse effects are guessed to be only from 1/10th to 1/100th of actual. So using 10-20% as an insanely wild guess, but not close to the high end, again I come to the conclusion that vaccine effects are significant compared virus effects, and that it it honest, competent] to neglect the context. But until recently nobody was [competent, honest] when comparing countries even though [data, analysis] has been available since the beginning (amateurs may have pushed this issue more than the pros?).

Following the few samples on vaccine adverse effects that I have looked at, and hundreds of cases in areas of science, there is no question in my mind that any scientist, competent or otherwise, who dare speaks out about the potential adverse effects (or against other politically-correct themes) is [typically, unfairly] decimated by the [press , science, professional (eg medical)] communities. As I have stated, it's not so much a case of [dishonest, conspiring] scientists from the bottom to the very top, it's overwhelmingly stupidity and hypocrisy by the same. Do not get mad at them. It serves no purpose as they simply are NOT cognitively capable of doing any better.

I am now emphasizing the necessity for "faithful intellectual robots" (i.e. all homo sapiens). [Coordinated, prioritised, rationed, competitive] actions probably do require cohesion. Furthermore, "strong thinker" in science are less than 1/10k, and strong doesn't mean smart, it just means that a scientist is capable of seeing on his own that there is something wrong at the most [simple, introductory] level of his field of expertise for several decades, with respect to [concepts, theories] that are foundations of his scientific religions for which he is [disciple, priest]. That is not so much a property of the individual, as the same person is unlikely to be a "strong thinker" for other science religions in his field of expertise.


>> 07Dec2021 Howell :
deaths only :
06Dec2021 data :

1. covid 5.25 M deaths total world-wide ~1/1000 (0.1%) cumulative per total population

2. versus myocarditis-only vaccine adverse effect :
- 1-5 persons/10^5 vaccinated = ~0.001-5%, or
- 1-5/100 times covid deaths (1-5%)
...but :
- few die from mycarditis...
- as noted ?everywhere?, adverse effects often estimated to be 10-100 times under-reported,
but I assume deaths much more accurate?
- given political correctness of [health, science], what portion of vaccine deaths are reported as covid?
- as most of population vaccinated, just do direct comparison, ignore %vaccinateclose enough)
- is the coid vaccine adverse effect rate any worse than any vaccine?
- none of this can address long-term effects, we'll have to look back in 22 generations
- deaths and cases are no measure of morbidity, There doesn't seem to be any effort to measure that

>> 08Dec2021 Howell - vastly better response by Yeadon than the [dishonest, moronic] articles in [Reuters, Atlantic, Wikipedia]. The Atlantic sometimes has excellent articles, but mostly I find they are brainl politically-correct trash hiding behind dumb-fuck psuedo-intellectualism. In other words, they are perfect for modern society.

07Dec2021 txtfrm Steve

txtfrm Steve :
- Pfizer former Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Michael Yeadon
- mRNA inventor Robert Malone
- Israeli studies
- Japanese bio distribution
- Idaho coroner - vaccine akin to getting HIV
- Myocarditus rare but exploding Steve heard 20,000%
- ADE = Antibody Dependent Enhancement

Paper :
Safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine in a Nationwide Setting
List of authors.
Noam Barda, M.D., Noa Dagan, M.D., Yatir Ben-Shlomo, B.Sc., Eldad Kepten, Ph.D., Jacob Waxman, M.D., Reut Ohana, M.Sc., Miguel A. Hernán, M.D., Marc Lipsitch, D.Phil., Isaac Kohane, M.D., Doron Netzer, M.D., Ben Y. Reis, Ph.D., and Ran D. Balicer, M.D.
September 16, 2021
N Engl J Med 2021; 385:1078-1090
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2110475

In the vaccination analysis, the vaccinated and control groups each included a mean of 884,828 persons. Vaccination was most strongly associated with an elevated risk of myocarditis (risk ratio, 3.24; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.55 to 12.44; risk difference, 2.7 events per 100,000 persons; 95% CI, 1.0 to 4.6), lymphadenopathy (risk ratio, 2.43; 95% CI, 2.05 to 2.78; risk difference, 78.4 events per 100,000 persons; 95% CI, 64.1 to 89.3), appendicitis (risk ratio, 1.40; 95% CI, 1.02 to 2.01; risk difference, 5.0 events per 100,000 persons; 95% CI, 0.3 to 9.9), and herpes zoster infection (risk ratio, 1.43; 95% CI, 1.20 to 1.73; risk difference, 15.8 events per 100,000 persons; 95% CI, 8.2 to 24.2). SARS-CoV-2 infection was associated with a substantially increased risk of myocarditis (risk ratio, 18.28; 95% CI, 3.95 to 25.12; risk difference, 11.0 events per 100,000 persons; 95% CI, 5.6 to 15.8) and of additional serious adverse events, including pericarditis, arrhythmia, deep-vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, intracranial hemorrhage, and thrombocytopenia.

In this study in a nationwide mass vaccination setting, the BNT162b2 vaccine was not associated with an elevated risk of most of the adverse events examined. The vaccine was associated with an excess risk of myocarditis (1 to 5 events per 100,000 persons). The risk of this potentially serious adverse event and of many other serious adverse events was substantially increased after SARS-CoV-2 infection. (Funded by the Ivan and Francesca Berkowitz Family Living Laboratory Collaboration at Harvard Medical School and Clalit Research Institute.)

>> Howell :
peak Nov2020 : ~20/1M/day total population deaths attributed to covid
cumulative - seems to be a constant linear rate, more-or-less flast 6+ months?
~270 M cases+deaths (i.e. cases!!) world-wide/ 6G total population since start of pandemic
~1/20 people (5%)
deaths only :
06Dec2021 5.25 M covid deaths total world-wide
~1/1000 (0.1%)

versus 1-5/10^5 = ~0.001-5%,or 1-5/100 times covid deaths (1-5%)
...but :
as noted ?everywhere?, adverse effects often estimated to be 10-100 times under-reported, but I assume deaths much more accurate?
few die from mycarditis...
given political correctness of [health, science], what portion of vaccine deaths are reported as covid?
as most of population vaccinated, just do direct comparison, ignore %vaccinateclose enough)
- is the coid vaccine adverse effect rate any worse than any vaccine?
- none of this can address long-term effects, we'll have to look back in 22 generations
- deaths and cases are no measure of morbidity, There doesn't seem to be any effort to measure that

The ex-Pfizer scientist who became an anti-vax hero
Michael Yeadon was a scientific researcher and vice president at drugs giant Pfizer Inc. He co-founded a successful biotech. Then his career took an unexpected turn.
Filed March 18, 2021, 11 a.m. GMT

The Vaccine Scientist Spreading Vaccine Misinformation
Robert Malone claims to have invented mRNA technology. Why is he trying so hard to undermine its use?
By Tom Bartlett
12Aug2021, Updated at 3:00 p.m. ET on August 23, 2021

Robert Wallace Malone is an American virologist and immunologist. His work has focused on mRNA technology, pharmaceuticals, and drug repurposing research. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he has been criticized for promoting misinformation about the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.[1][2][3][4]

Former Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon Answers Reuters ‘Fact Checker’: ‘A Pack of Lies’
Posted by Editorial Staff | Jul 19, 2021 | Health, Opinion, Politics, Science, U.S., United Kingdom, World
>> 08Dec2021 Howell - vastly better response by Yeadon than the [dishonest, moronic] articles in [Reuters, Atlantic, Wikipedia]. The Atlantic sometimes has excellent articles, but mostly I find they are brainl politically-correct trash hiding behind dumb-fuck psuedo-intellectualism. In other words, they are perfect for modern society.

-------- Forwarded Message --------

Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2021 20:56:37 -0700
Subject: Re: Some of Sacha Dobler's recent stuff
To: Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada <>
From: Stephen Howell <>
Yup. Pathetically stupid.

On Thu., Nov. 25, 2021, 8:45 p.m. Bill Howell. Hussar. Alberta. Canada, <> wrote:
I guess this is something that I assume - there is NO good Western thinking anymore, at all.

Fools and cowards must be conquered. It is unethical and immoral not to do so.


Many emails were exchanged before this date